Posts by admin
Walk #62 Is a go!
The HoE Board approved the go ahead for the Men’s Walk #62. Sign Up for the 72 hour Prayer Vigil is available here. Currently there are 10 pilgrims.
need prayer?
The Power of Prayer “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 In today’s connected world, prayer remains a powerful way to unite believers, offering hope, strength, and community. The Heart of Ohio Emmaus community provides an online prayer network where members can submit requests to pray for one another, and share how God has worked in their lives.
Celebrating Memories # 1
Written By Carl Schaefer (Editor’s Note: This article appeared in ____ edition of the HOE Newsletter). This celebration of memories gives us the opportunity to remember moments and members who shaped us as a Community and who have been seen regularly at Emmaus events to provide consistent support and encouragement. One the most important Community events has been the monthly Gatherings when members meet for fellowship and worship. There are some members who were rarely absent from these events and…
Face 2 Face Reunion
It’s time to reconnect with the amazing folks from your Heart of Ohio Emmaus Face to Face community! We’re excited to host a Reunion on Tuesday April 9th 1-2:30pm at Linden Road Presbyterian Church, 160 S Linden Road, Mansfield.
Prayer Vigil
Please visit this link to sign up for the Women’s Walk #76 Prayer Vigil.